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How To Exercise When You’re Over 40

As you get older, you start noticing changes in your body that may discourage you from working out. You notice yourself getting weaker and slower than in your younger years. But instead of letting these things stop you from improving your physical performance, let them be the signs to start exercising!

If you've never consistently exercised all your life, working out may be difficult at first, especially if you're in your 40s or beyond. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible. It's never too late to start working out and reap from all its amazing health benefits. You just need to find the suitable physical activities for you.

How to start

It's important to start slow and light in exercising. This lets you gauge your physical needs and abilities. Having a personal trainer may also help you figure out the best workout activities for you.

As you continue exercising, you may gradually increase the duration and intensity of your regimen. Do it step by step by setting small milestones and goals. Make sure that your workout routine is safe and comfortable but still challenging. Incorporate cardio and strength work to maintain your weight and strength. Aerobic exercise can also help keep you healthy, while resistance training helps in strengthening your bones.

Exercising in your 40s

When you're in your 40s, your muscle loss has already begun. It is something that occurs naturally, which is why this is the best time to do resistance training. Without it, your body may lose up to 5% of muscle mass each decade. Aside from this, your also dealing with a slower metabolism, body fat increase, and hormones. If you want to manage weight gain and belly fat, exercising regularly is a must.

Starting to exercise in your 40s also helps you adjust to it more quickly than in your later years. It's recommended for you to do weight training 3 days a week. Avoid injuries by starting slow. You may also do brisk walking, swimming, and other cardio exercises to keep your weight under control. If you wish to lose fat from your midsection, doing pilates is an option.

Working out in your 50s

Muscle loss accelerates in your 50s. While this happens, your muscle strength and endurance decrease. Bone density also decreases during these years, which may raise the risk of bone fractures. The ligaments in your body are also less hydrated and elastic that makes you more prone to overuse injuries.

They may sound discouraging, but exercising during this age will actually help manage these changes. You just have to be more careful in building a regimen that best suits you. It's recommended to do diagnostic tests with a personal trainer for proper assessment of your flexibility and core strength.

Before working out, it's important to do proper stretching and warming up. You can do light walking and yoga stretches to prepare your body for more intense exercises. For your cardio workouts, you may try cycling, swimming, brisk walking, rowing, and other sports. It's recommended to do 5 to 6 cardio sessions every week. You may also incorporate yoga and tai chi to your regimen to maintain balance.

Physical activities for 60s and beyond

This is a tougher stage to start exercising, but it's not impossible. With patience and consistency, you can still enjoy the benefits of working out.

Arthritis, spinal stenosis, and bad knees may start during this decade. Make sure to have at least 10 minutes of warm-up to prepare your body. Start slow and always start with proper stretching.

You're recommended to do cardio exercises 3 days a week. Make sure they are challenging but not exhausting. Zumba and other dance classes are also good options for working out during this age. Jogging in a pool, stationary biking, and treadmill speed walking are also great cardio workout options.

Other notes to remember

To ensure that your workout routine is effective, you must also reassess your eating habits. Having a healthy and balanced diet can help you reap the benefits of exercising faster. Fuel your body with "good calories" and plan meals that are high in fiber. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water every day.

Track your progress

Check if your workout routine is effective for your body. There should be an impact on your fatigue level, ability to walk distances, and ability to lift.

You may also monitor your progress using a smartwatch to track the number of your steps and heart rate. Having a journal may also help you keep track of daily workouts. You won't see the results immediately, so monitoring your progress can help you see how far you've come.

ken feakins

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Hello. This is Dr. Ben, Chief Medical Advisor here at Healthy Habits Products, pointing out something important that you may not realize about the toxins in your body.

Most people believe that having a healthy heart is either a matter of good genetics ("he’s just lucky") or a strict diet ("I just have to give up salt").

The truth is, genetics and food choices are NOT the root cause of your struggle to rid your body of the risk of heart disease and a potential heart attack or stroke, no matter how hard you try. Your high blood pressure, bad cholesterol and high blood sugar have little to do with bad genes or ANY of the most common things believed to cause heart disease.

Your struggle to protect and even heal your heart comes down to 3 little-known factors that your doctor might not even know about!

Shocking, right?

In the next few minutes, I'm going to show you how a weird herb has been shown to STOP these 3 little-known problems dead in their tracks so your blood pressure stabilizes, your cholesterol and blood-sugar levels improve and you get the heart-health results you want while no longer worrying about heart attack or stroke.

But before I do, however, it’s extremely important to understand the three critical things that must take place to STOP the potential of heart disease, including the possibility of a heart attack or stroke:

#1 - You Must Balance Your Blood-Sugar Levels.

Sugar is necessary for survival. Blood sugar (or, blood glucose) refers to sugar that’s introduced into the bloodstream to supply needed energy to all the cells in the body. Our bodies are made to regulate those levels, making sure they’re neither too high nor too low.

Unfortunately, sugar is made from the food we eat. Our digestive system breaks down carbs from food and sends them straight to our bloodstream as glucose, a simple sugar that converts to energy. However, glucose can only enter the cells via insulin.

Unbalanced insulin levels result in either type 1 diabetes (also known as insulin sensitivity, or too low levels) or type 2 diabetes (too high levels).

This means, the higher your insulin levels, the higher your chance of diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM), a disease that literally damages the structure and function of your heart.

Insulin doesn’t care whether your blood sugar is at a healthy level. Its only concern is that you do not starve and have the ability to produce energy for your body to burn.

The big, ugly problem: Unless you do something to “short-circuit” this biological need to feed your cells, you’ll never have the heart health you want and deserve.

It begins with maintaining your insulin levels, because modern living—along with diets full of refined sugars and other challenges—have made it so most of us are nearly insulin-unbalanced all the time. This not only makes eating right nearly impossible, it also makes choosing when and how often to eat MUCH harder.

Think about the last time you were ravenously hungry? You began to feel weak and dizzy, right? You began to feel yourself shutting down—and that’s exactly what insulin issues can do.

#2 You Must Lower Your Bad Cholesterol While Maintaining Your Good Cholesterol.

Whether you’ve heard of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) or “good” cholesterol (HDL), I assure you. They’re having a MASSIVE effect on the health of your blood.

LDL cholesterol is considered bad because it creates plaque, a thick, hard deposit that can clog arteries, making them less flexible. (This is known as atherosclerosis.) Eventually, a clot can form, blocking a narrowed artery, often resulting in heart attack or stroke. Another condition called peripheral artery disease can develop when plaque buildup and narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to the limbs (usually the legs). Either scenario often results in death or life-altering consequences.

HDL cholesterol is considered good because it aids in removing LDL cholesterol from the arteries. Scientists believe HDL acts as a scavenger, carrying LDL cholesterol away from the arteries and safely back to the liver, where it’s broken down and passed from the body.

A healthy level of HDL cholesterol will protect against heart attack and stroke, while low levels of HDL cholesterol have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease.

#3 You Must Stabilize Your Blood Pressure.

Without properly balanced cholesterol and blood-sugar levels, your heart valves become restricted with plaque buildup, and that leads to a damaged and unhealthy heart. All this combined begins to affect other parts of your body and internal organs because they are starved of needed oxygen and blood that is pumped to them by your heart. After years of unhealthy eating, unbalanced cholesterol and blood-sugar levels all over the place, your overall heart health begins to deteriorate. In worse cases, not protecting your heart health can lead to major damage resulting in the need for heart surgery or a heart transplant. In the worst case, deteriorated hearth health can lead to death.

And it gets worse with each passing year, not only making it harder to avoid heart disease but actually causing you to GET A HEART ATTACK OR STROKEno matter how hard you try to avoid it.

The result?

Your stress levels increase. The number you see on the blood-pressure monitor goes up and perhaps worst of all, you begin to live your life in complete fear and feel like your heart is a bomb waiting to go off.

This vicious cycle not only accelerates with each passing year, it begins to compromise other parts of your health. Your sleep quality drops. Your stress begins to affect those around you. You stay away from strenuous activities including all exercise, and those things accelerate the cycle yet again.

Each time, the cycle speeds up, which is why heart disease is often so accelerated later in life.

This is pretty disheartening for anyone looking to maintain healthy blood levels and transform their heart health.

But what if there was a way that you could STOP these three factors?

What if you could balance your blood sugar, lower your bad cholesterol, maintain good cholesterol, naturally control your blood pressure and get rid of the fear of a heart attack or stroke?

If you could do that, you could essentially turn your heart into a well-run machine, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Can you just imagine how much more safe you’d feel if these 3 hidden dangers of heart disease were no longer standing in the way of a healthy heart?

Well, there is a way to fix these dangers, get your blood pressure under control, maintain healthy cholesterol levels and balance your blood-sugar levels.

The solution not only works on a deeper cellular level but also in your overall well-being. So the results are rapidly felt, deep and long-term.


Great—because this is only just the beginning!

The solution you’re about to discover only takes one minute or less to implement. So there’s absolutely NO REASON why you have to be a victim of heart disease that so many needlessly suffer through.

Introducing our 100% all-natural proprietary blend called StrictionBP. This unique but extremely effective supplement has been scientifically created to safely protect your heart from damage.

StrictionBP uses a “magical” little extract called Ceylon Cinnamon from an amazing herb that grows selectively in Sri Lanka.

Randomized-controlled research published on type 2 diabetes demonstrated the significant effect Ceylon Cinnamon can have regarding blood-sugar levels.

These results were pooled together with results from a recent study and published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The results demonstrated significant reduction of bad cholesterol and increase of good cholesterol, as well as an increase in quality of blood-sugar levels after only two weeks.

These results were not accomplished by every brand of the supplement, but rather only quality-sourced Ceylon Cinnamon.

After 4 weeks of supplementing with 120 mg of quality-sourced Ceylon Cinnamon per day, test subjects (543 patients) saw significantly reduced levels of fasting plasma glucose (blood sugar) from -40.52 to -8.67, and an increase of good cholesterol (HDL) from 1.09 to 2.24 while decreasing the bad cholesterol (LDL) from 17.21 to -1.63.

After 18 weeks, the randomized control trial continued to find statistically significant decreases in levels of blood sugar and corrected cholesterol.

The effects of Ceylon Cinnamon extract work 5 different ways:

  • First, a compound in the extract called cinnamaldehyde provides most of the health benefits of this amazing spice. It comes from the oily part of the cinnamon bark.
  • Second, it’s loaded with antioxidants such as polyphenols that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. In a recent study of 26 different spices, cinnamon won by a landslide—even beating out “superfoods” like oregano and garlic!
  • Third, it provides anti-inflammatory protection by helping your body repair tissue damage and help fight infections, thereby lowering your risk of disease (including heart disease).
  • Fourth, it’s beneficial to blood markers and helps your good cholesterol remain stable while lowering your bad cholesterol—all things that can greatly reduce the possibility of heart disease and death.
  • Lastly, since insulin is one of the key hormones that must remain regulated to be healthy, Ceylon Cinnamon helps insulin do its job of transporting blood sugar from the bloodstream straight to the cells.

Now, think about these effects in light of the 3 factors we just discussed.

By naturally balancing your blood sugar, cholesterol levels and blood pressure, you’re unlikely to ever develop conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes and heart disease.

You optimize your heart health, protect it from heart disease and you can lose the fear of a catastrophic heart attack or stroke!

The net result?

Your heart health is achieved at the fastest possible rate.

Now, what if you could get all of these proven heart-health benefits in the form of an easy-to-take daily capsule that protects your heart without you having to change your diet, spend hours at a gym or giving up any of your favorite activities?

Essentially, it’d be the easiest, most practical and convenient way to fight those 3 causes of heart disease that I talked about earlier.

Now, you could learn about these powerful ingredients and then try to independently source the individual ingredients. The problem is, after you’ve found all the products and sources, purchased minimum quantities of each (which is often a large amount), paid shipping on each, and sorted through a huge stage of studies on the most effective dose of each one needed to help balance your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar, you’ll literally have spent weeks or months of time, and hundreds (if not thousands!) of dollars—and you’ll have waited all that time to even begin to make progress.


The good news…

Healthy Habits Products has already done ALL the hard work and heavy lifting for you.

These critical ingredients, along with some additional compounds that further enhance their overall effectiveness, have been combined into one proven, all-natural, scientifically researched, easy-to-take supplement called StrictionBP, and it’s by far one of the most exciting, unique formulas I’ve ever had the opportunity to work on.

Just take it once each morning and again each night. You just let this incredible supplement work its magic!

As the research overviewed has shown, this nutrient already has a rapid and noticeable effect on your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar. Yet when you combine them all, the results are truly unsurpassed.

StrictionBP is the ONLY way to get this clinically proven ingredient to help STOP the deadly accumulation of plaque and balance your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure, and win the war against heart disease once and for all.

Deciding to take StrictionBP is a simple decision because we want you to not just take our word on its effectiveness but take it for a test drive!

We are offering a special 3-Bottle Discount (while supplies last).

In addition, we are offering you a No-Risk 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You must SEE RESULTSor return it for a refund. No hassles. No questions asked.

That’s how you know StrictionBP will deliver everything it promises and more.

With no risk and a proven track record of creating better heart health, is there any reason not to give this a try?

Once you have it in your hands, and once you experience the rare power of this wonder supplement to fight back against heart disease and give you the peace of mind you’ve always wanted, you'll be thankful you tried this. After all, this is so much easier and more affordable and less invasive than other solutions—especially expensive blood-pressure and cholesterol drugs, which often come with harmful side effects and make you feel ill and miserable.

You’ll also receive a powerful FREE eBook—3 Ways to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure—which will walk you through the biggest problem with traditional heart health approaches (including so much of what you learned here today).

This is normally a $29.95 value, but you get the eBook for FREE when you try out StrictionBP today!

To finally see and experience how unbelievably easy it can be to balance your blood sugar and cholesterol, and protect your heart, choose the appropriate savings with the link below…

…and then, of course, be sure to write down your blood-pressure reading today, because you’ll absolutely want to document your dramatic before-and-after results.

==> Order StrictionBP today and get 3 Ways to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure—FREE

Dedicated to helping you achieve Healthy Habits®!

Dr. Ben

Chief Medical Advisor
Healthy Habits Products Inc.


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